RAW Basics “Almond Mylk”

This recipe is dedicated to the people that attended the past conference at Nutracon 09.

1 cup of soaked almonds (at least 12hrs)
1/4 teaspoon of Celtic or Sea Salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
3 cups of water
1/2 cup of soaked dates or 4-6 tablespoons of maple syrup or agave.

Filter bag

We first we wanna remove the skin of the almonds, the reason for this is to prevent the ingestion of tannic acid and to give a smoother taste. To remove the skin, we heat water (without the almonds) before boiling point and then we add the almonds in the hot water. We allow them to sit around 30 seconds. Then we remove them and place them on another water tray at normal temperature. We use our hangs to remove the skin, it would be now a lot faster and easy.

Then we proceed to add the almonds into the blender, with 3 cups of water. We blend for around 30 seconds, until it’s fully mixes. Then we take the Filter Bag, and pour the Mylk into it, and squeeze the filter bag until all the mylk is extracted. What’s left on the bag is our almond flour, it would be used in other recipes I’ll post later.

Pouring almond mylk

Then, we pour the Mylk again into the blender, add a pinch of sea salt, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and? your favorite sweeter, like dates, maple syrup, agave nectar, stevia, etc.. (Do not use sugar!!!) You can make it even better adding super foods (they are call super-foods because the have high amount of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, ingredients in small amounts), Like our loca goji berris, cacao powder, maca root, etc.

almond mylk with super-foods

One more think, I like to add golden flax seeds, to balance the omega3. About 1 Tbs per cup.
It keeps on fridge for 2 days.



After my yoga practice, I provide the body cell-regenerative food to heal and restore the joints and muscles. Yesterday while having breakfast after Mysore class, I shared with Dylan the benefits of chayote.

Enjoy cutting it, and making fun shapes. It goes well with apples and your favorite nut milk.

Read more info here: Chayote

Green Tea Pie

Green Tea Pie

I love green tea, its smooth taste and nutritional properties make it a staple for delicious desserts.
I used Japanese Macha green tea powder, which is naturally sundried and naturally preserved.


For crust:
2 cups of pecans soaked (5 hrs)
1/2 cup of raisins soaked (5 hrs)
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon

Mix in a food processor or high-speed blender, and pour some of the raisin-soaked water until it makes a smooth paste

For filling
3/4 cup of coconut water
1/2 cup cashews or macadamia nuts soaked (5 hrs)
1/4 cup coconut nectar
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 teaspoon of green tea powder (Matcha)

Mix on high-speed blender and place in pie crust or just put in silicon cupcakes.

Please visit my blog www.raw.hk and leave your feedback.


Juice up to to cool down

Traditional Chinese Juices

Bitter Melon + Green Apple
Bitter Melon + Pear
Bitter Melon + Cucumber + G Apple + Celery + Green Pepper
Carrot + Apple
Carrot + Orange
Carrot + Celery

Just some mixes that I remmember, anyway they’re so many options waiting for you to try!

Fruits provide us with lots of vitamins and phytonutrients that makes our inmmune system strong and they also supply carbs and fiber for energy and digestion

Lemongrass Anti-Cancer

One of my favourite herbs for un-cooking, teas and drinks is lemongrass. It can be used for making a hot or cold tea, up to make amazing dressings and soups, furthermore, I came out with the following discovery “In 2006 a research team from the Ben Gurion University in Israel found that Lemon grass (cymbopogon citratus) caused apoptosis (programmed cell death) in malignant cancer cells.” (from wikipedia )
Amazing! Is it? If any cancer cell is developing, it will self-distruct!
A good spot to fine nice organic lemon grass, is at the herb garden in Lamma Island. I highly recommend to just go for a walk and pick your plant and support our local organic produce.

Quick drink:

Put in bleder:
2 cups of coconut water
1 tablespoon of chopped lemongrass root
1 tablespoon of green lime juice.
1 pinch of sea salt

Mix well and enjoy a cooling drink!

Raw Mock Tuna Pate 2.0

I think I finally got it with a nice smooth taste on my mock tuna pate. I’m working on my e-book of recipes, I’ll share some and any contributions are welcome ! Wait for my paypal donation link 🙂


Butternut Squash Soup

I love eating pumpkin soup, nevertheless, in Hong Kong, it’s quite common to find this dish in many vegetarian restaurants. But to eat it raw, it’s really savory and we get the yellow phytonutrients from the squash, which provides lots of carotenes (vitamin A).

For Soup:
1.5 Cups of raw chunks of butternut squash, peeled and seeded.
3 Cups of orange juice (fresh)
1 Cup of mango
1/2 Teaspoon of Nutmeg
1-2 Tablespoons of agave syrup or 2-4 dates (soaked for 2 hours)

For Garnish per plate:
1/2 Chinese banana in slices
1/2 Cup of mango in cubes
Coriander on top for decoration

In a high speed blender place all the soup ingredients, and slowly increase the speed, this is to to prevent too much foam on top. Allow ingredients to fully mix. Serve and garnish with the rest of the ingredients

Serves 3

Thai Papaya Salad

A couple of years ago I tried this dish, and I liked it a lot, but when I found out that the sauce was not vegan, I totally freaked out, nevertheless, I look for options to make this yummy dish raw vegan, keeping a low glycemic index, and a higher nutritional value. So here is what I came up with:

For the salad:
2 large carrots shredded
1/3 of green papaya shredded
1 medium tomato sliced
1/2 fennel root (give a fresh aroma and taste!!)
1/2 cup of basil leaves (no stems) cut into small pieces.
1/2 cup of coriander cut into small pieces.
Mix with hands and give your love to the veggies.

For dressing
1/3 cup of Nama Shoyu (Or low sodium soy sauce, braggss aminos, try to find organic!)
2 Tbs green lime juice
1-2 Tbs of agave syrup (or 1/2 cup of orange juice)
1 minced garlic
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp lemon grass
1/2 cup of raw organic cashews cut into chunks
Optional 1 red Thai chili minced (try to remove seeds to make it less spicy, use a knife to do this, and remember to wash your hands well and don’t touch your eyes!!)

Mix well, and enjoy it !!